Minute In The Word

He Delights In You

 If you struggle to believe that God is close or cares for you, perhaps you need this reminder as well. The truth of… Read More


 Why do we have a default setting called “stubborn?” I see it in my life when I don’t want to admit that I’m… Read More

He Is Close

When I don’t get the answer to prayers that I desperately want or need, I can start to think of God as unkind… Read More

When God Speaks…

 When God speaks, hearts listen. Even those who don’t know Him. There’s a story in the Bible about God calling out… Read More

He’s Already There

 When I’m facing a difficult situation, it helps me to remember that God is already on the other side of it. He isn’t… Read More

Why Pray?

 Why pray? If I’m honest, sometimes I pray more often because I think it will improve the odds of… Read More

He Is Bigger

‘This seems too big. I’m afraid. Where are you, God?’  Sound familiar? We all face the same struggles and… Read More

Love Him Back

“You were made to respond to God.” I heard that in a sermon and wrote it in the margin of my bible next… Read More

Be Still

Are you a fixer? A fighter? A fear-er? If so, take this reminder to heart: “The Lord will fight for you; you need… Read More

Start Where You Are

We all know a hypocrite. And if we’re honest, we’ve all seen one in the mirror.  “You hypocrites!…These people honor me with their… Read More