Minute In The Word

Findable Hope 

 When hope fades or disappears, where do you turn? You are not the only heart longing for hope and peace today. Both are… Read More

When You Cry Out To God…

 Some answered prayers are felt more than seen. “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love Lord supported me. When anxiety… Read More

A Gift For You!

How do you know if you’re “good enough” to make it to heaven?  “It is by grace you have been saved, through faith-… Read More

God Delights In You

 If you struggle to believe that you are loved by the Almighty God, here is one of my favorite truths from scripture. “He… Read More

Choose Joy. Anyway

There are some things that we do “whether we feel like it or not.”  Brush our teeth, comb our hair, drive the speed… Read More