You Can Trust Him. 

You Can Trust Him. 

  An unwavering confidence in God. When I see that kind of faith in someone’s life, it is inspiring. The resolve to trust the heart of God, no matter what happens. What does it look like?

Daniel’s faith was so steadfast and unpopular that he was thrown into a den with lions. 

“God sent an angel and shut the mouths of the lions. Daniel was lifted from the den and no wound was found on him, because he had trusted in His God.” Daniel 6:22-23

If you’re feeling like you’re in over your head or that there is no way out…you can trust the same God that Daniel did. You can know that God sees you and that He is on your side.

An unwavering confidence in God. Why? Because He has all authority. And He has promised to never leave you. He is faithful. – Sandi