You Are The Light That Someone Needs To See

You Are The Light That Someone Needs To See

 You are the light that someone needs to see today. 

“…Let your light shine…that others may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Wherever you’re going today, you have the opportunity to shine for Jesus. Your smile. The kind response. When you choose to overlook a hurtful comment. The forgiveness you offer. When you choose to do the right thing. When you take the honorable, yet unpopular path. When you love, anyway. 

God may have you in difficult dark places to shine a light. When you do, it makes a difference. You are the love, joy, and peace that someone is looking for. You are sharing the hope that God has given you and that the world is longing for.  

So, shine on today. Your words and actions may seem insignificant or unremarkable, but God says otherwise. You are a light that someone needs to see. – Sandi