Jesus’ Invitation For You

Jesus’ Invitation For You

 For whatever reason, God has been bringing this simple (or is it) verse to my mind frequently. Perhaps there is more here than meets the eye…for my heart and yours.

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said. Mark 1: 17

What a simple, yet challenging invitation. 

God’s heart is open…always. He loves and welcomes everyone. He died for us. He invites us into His family and His offering of forgiveness. What an invitation.

And then, He requires surrender. To follow His way. To embrace His plan. His Truth. To obey, regardless of the outcomes. Following means giving up control. What a challenging invitation.

I often settle for embracing Jesus’ love but resisting His leading in my life. That’s why He lovingly brings this verse to mind. He invites me, anew, to come to Him. To follow Him. That’s where we find the fullness of joy and peace.