It Is What God Does

It Is What God Does

God’s power has no limits.  I need that reminder!  There is nothing beyond His authority, His understanding or His love. Nothing and no one.  We grossly underestimate His plan and character if we simply look to Him to make us happy, rich, or comfortable.   To turn our bad days into good days.  To make us nicer people instead of grumpy ones.  He came to bring dead to life.

“I will make breath enter you and you will come to life…I will put my Spirit in you and you will live.” Ezekiel 37

I love the imagery of this chapter.  A valley full of dried-up bones.  God breathes and they come to life. What a powerful metaphor and reminder for us.  God can breathe life into anyone. Any situation. It is what He does. Don’t miss it.  Don’t settle for less.  God, breathe life into us we pray.  Make us new.  Make us like you.  We want to live empowered by your Spirit. – Sandi