I will hope

I will hope

An area that I’m trying to grow in is to be a better leader……of myself. I want to lead my thoughts and my actions in a God-honoring way and not just follow emotions or feelings. “As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.” Psalm71:14 This verse helps me lead my mind and actions. I will hope. I won’t wait for hope to somehow appear. I will hope. I will praise. I won’t wait to praise Him when everything goes as I think it should. I will praise Him more and more because that is my heart’s response to who He is. For me, hope and praise don’t just happen. I have to intentionally lead my mind and heart there. If that’s true for you too, let’s start with…. I will hope. And I will praise. May our emotions follow the lead of our hopeful, praising hearts! – Sandi