God May Want To Use You In Way’s You Can’t Yet Imagine

God May Want To Use You In Way’s You Can’t Yet Imagine

God may want to use you in ways you can’t even imagine yet. So, stay close to His heart and follow His lead.

“Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord…He was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.”
Genesis 6:8-9

When God looked at Noah, he didn’t see a boat builder. He saw faithfulness. He saw obedience. Those are qualities that God honors. Still today.

God doesn’t need your talent or ability. He isn’t impressed with your “doings.” He blesses your desire to love God and people. He uses you, right where you are, to unfold His loving plan. 

When you walk with God, there is no higher calling or purpose. Stay faithful. Stay close to His heart. Choose His way. You may be surprised where He leads. And how He honors your faithfulness. – Sandi