God Delights In You

God Delights In You

How does God feel about you? If you struggle to believe that God is close or cares for you, perhaps you need this reminder as well. 

“He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” 2 Samuel 22:20

I have no problem believing that God loves the whole world. That’s who He is and what He does. But still, at times, I wrestle with the thought that He loves me personally.  So, I’m challenging you and my own skeptic heart to dare to believe this today. 

God isn’t obligated to love you. He chooses to pursue you. He made you.  You are special to Him and who you are brings Him delight. That is also true about everyone you will bump into today. God delights in you. Dare to believe it. – Sandi