Finishing The Race, With Joy

Finishing The Race, With Joy

 Have you noticed that life is a mixed bag? Good things. And difficult things. All mixed up into every day. That is the journey. Clinging to the goodness of God while navigating through the challenges of this broken world.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:2 

Life without trouble simply doesn’t exist on this side of heaven. Even Jesus experienced that. So, how do we carry joy in one hand and suffering in the other and still run the race?

We keep our eyes on the prize. His name is Jesus. We remember the suffering he endured on our behalf. We embrace the peace and joy that He gives. And we receive strength and comfort from the Holy Spirit. 

Discouragement may come. Hold it loosely. But keep a firm grip on your faith.  Jesus endured the cross for you. And He will empower you to finish strong, with joy. – Sandi