Be Patient With God. And With Yourself

Be Patient With God. And With Yourself

Can you see it? The difference in who you were and who you are becoming? Whether you recognize it or not, God is shaping your life into something new.  Your mindset. Your desires. Your priorities. You are not who you were.

“…If anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

The good work that God is doing in your life takes time. Probably more than you would like. But He is carefully, intentionally transforming you so that you look more like Jesus.

He chose to create the world in 6 days. He rose Jesus from the grave in 3 days. He doesn’t need more time. But He takes His time to do His perfect work. Including in your life. Be patient…with God and with yourself. He’s not finished yet. – Sandi