Afraid…Yet Filled With Joy!

Afraid…Yet Filled With Joy!

 I wish fear never visited my mind or heart. But it does. What do you with it? Perhaps you just keep walking. Joy in one hand and fear in the other. 

Two women went to visit Jesus’ tomb. They didn’t expect to find it empty. They were confused and afraid. 

“So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell the disciples.” Matthew 28:8

We may not understand everything that we see. But there is evidence of a risen Savior working in our lives and world. He is alive. He isn’t finished. And, at times, we are afraid. What do you? You let His joy take lead. You trust more than you fear. 

If you’re feeling fearful today, join the club. May God fill you with joy and confidence in your Savior. “Afraid, yet filled with joy!” – Sandi