A Whisper From The Lord Almighty…

A Whisper From The Lord Almighty…

 This. Verse. It puts everything into perspective for me. 

“ ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 4:6

God isn’t relying on your strength. And He isn’t intimidated by the presence of evil or worldly might. You don’t have to muster up the energy or strength to fight the battle you are facing today. In fact, God is reminding you of your place. And His power.

God is inviting you to acknowledge who He is and surrender the fight and struggle. To Him. 

And God is reminding you of His authority.

He reigns. Over it all. He stands when others fall. And His Spirit cannot be thwarted or contained. So, you don’t have to strive or rely on your own strength. You can rest knowing that there is no power or force that can prevail against you today.  His Spirit is alive and working. He is the Lord Almighty. – Sandi