Keep Waiting & Believing

Keep Waiting & Believing

 Is God ever late? I know the Sunday School answer—“No.” I also know that, at times, I have felt like God isn’t on the same schedule as my need. It feels like He is late. Since I can’t see Him work, He must be late, right? If you can relate, remember the story of one of Jesus’ best friends.

“When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.” John 11:5

Jesus arrived after Lazarus had died- four days after his death. That’s when Jesus raised Him from the dead “for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me” (v.42). Story over.  

Jesus waited to move. I don’t know all the reasons why He waits in my situations. In the case of Lazarus, He didn’t simply want to heal his friend. He raised him from the dead. That’s the exclamation point to the story. And the point of your story today . . . Keep waiting and believing. He has a plan. If God is choosing to wait, He is still choosing good. He’s working. And He’s always on time to accomplish His plans. – Sandi