Can You Grasp It?

Can You Grasp It?

 For years, I think I settled.  I “understood” but I didn’t “know.”  

When is the last time that something took your breath away?  Or you stood in awe? Or couldn’t contain the tears of joy? Those rare, unexpected moments of being completely undone. 

“I pray that you grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that is beyond knowledge…” Ephesians 3:18-19

For years, I settled for hearing about God’s love.  I understood the concept and believed the stories were true. Then, it happened.  I realized that He is more than a story.  And His love isn’t contained to pages. His story is still unfolding, and He wants me in it.  And you too.  He loves. That’s who He is.  And experiencing His love causes me to come completely undone.  I hope you grasp it too! – Sandi