The most relaxing Sanctus Real interview you'll ever watch

The most relaxing Sanctus Real interview you'll ever watch

Ever wondered what it’s like to kick back with the JOY FM artist, Sanctus Real, when they’re not on stage? We sat down with the guys from Sanctus Real—Chris, Dustin, and Mark—for what might just be the most relaxing Sanctus Real interview you’ll ever watch. And we’re doing it campfire-style. Because, let’s face it, some of the most memorable and genuine conversations happen when you’re staring into those flickering flames, right?

From life on the road to the cities that have left a mark on them (shoutout to St. Louis!), these guys get real about the highs, lows, and all the funny stuff in between. So grab your s’mores and enjoy!

View this video with Sanctus Real, and other interviews with JOY FM artists videos on the JOY FM YouTube Channel.

Sanctus Real around a campfire

If you’ve ever wanted to get up close and personal with Sanctus Real, this is your moment!

Chris, Dustin, and Mark of Sanctus Real are sitting around a campfire, the flames flickering as they open up about the rollercoaster that is their lives and music careers. Some of the best conversations happen around a campfire, and this one’s is no exception.

The Sanctus Real guys chat about the reality of touring, and spoiler, it’s not all glam and glitz. Imagine being in a picturesque city like Ocean City, New Jersey, and not even making it to the beach! Chris talks about a time when his family got to breathe in that salty sea air, he was stuck doing soundchecks. But don’t feel too bad; this is common for any artist. You’re in these amazing places, but you often don’t get to see more than the venue and the hotel room. But they talk about how grateful they are that they are even able to do what they love and how they wouldn’t want to be doing anything else!

Dustin’s history with St. Louis—what a story! Turns out he lived in STL for six months when he was 23, and it was one of the hardest periods of his life. But don’t worry, he doesn’t blame the city; it’s more about the situation he found himself in. What’s even more intriguing is that a lot of Sanctus Real’s songs have connections to those struggles and that time in St. Louis?!

And then there’s the surprise revelation about Mark—did you know the he’s a skateboard enthusiast? Yep, even his bandmates didn’t know this! And and they spend so much time together! But Mark still had this little gem tucked away. Now we can’t help but wonder, how amazing would it be to see Sanctus Real pull off a concert at a skate park? This just makes you wonder what other hidden talents or interests the guys might have up their sleeves.

This conversation was such a pleasure to have with the guys from Sanctus Real, and had all the essentials for a cozy, down-to-earth convo: laughs, memories, and the comforting glow of a campfire. Whether you’re a long-time Sanctus Real fan or just getting to know them, this video brings you one step closer to understanding the hearts behind the music.

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