Have you ever made the decision to start reading the Bible…only to give up a short time later because it felt too big? Or too confusing? Or too boring?
Or you weren’t sure you started reading in the right place anyway?…
If that’s you…you’re not alone. We get it.
But what if we told you that it can really be as easy as spending 10 minutes a day in scripture? And there’s even a guide to walk you through it!
Does that feel more doable?
Jumping into God’s Word can feel a little daunting. But we also know that it is where you can find truth, peace, hope, and joy. And, we suspect those are all things you could use a little more of in your life. That’s why we compiled a Bible reading plan as an easy on-ramp to read God’s Word for 99 days (we threw 9 bonus days in there because our name is 99.1 JOY FM 😀).
So, as the new year begins…we encourage you to start fresh! Jump into God’s Word with us. You’ll be glad you did.
What Will I Get From Reading the Bible?
You might be asking yourself that very question. Or, maybe questions like these:
How can reading the Bible help me find truth, peace, hope, and joy?
How is reading the Bible any different from reading the latest NY Times Best Selling Novel? Or a really inspiring autobiography?
Those are all good questions, and we’re glad you asked them!
People often refer to the Bible as the Word of God. That’s because in Scripture it says,
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” 2 Timothy 3:16 (New Living Translation)
In other words…the authors of the Bible weren’t just writing words they came up with on their own. They weren’t just creating good stories, so to speak.
They delivered to us words that they received from God Himself.
And because the Bible contains words from God…when you pay attention to them…they can produce good things in you. Wisdom for salvation. Guidance for life. Strength in a time of need.
So, if you’re ready to explore what God has to say to you…then download your 90-Day Bible Reading Plan HERE.

A Few Tips to Get You Started
- Set aside 10 minutes each day to read. That’s it! We know you’re busy so we designed the daily schedule with that in mind.
- This plan will take you 3 months to complete. Give it your best go. If you forget a day…no worries, just pick up where you left off.
- You’ll be reading in the New Testament: the part of the Bible that details the life, death, and impact of Jesus. As you read, ask yourself, “How do I fit into this story?” and “How does this impact me?”
99 days of joy I want to do this!