Yeah, But...I Am Sure

Yeah, But...I Am Sure

Sometimes, I have a “yeah, but” problem.  I hear that God loves me.  And somewhere deep down in my wounded heart I hear a little voice saying, “yeah, but.”  I intellectually know that God loves me. But I struggle with feeling it and believing it.

“I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels, rulers, things present, things to come…nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.”  Romans 8:38-39

How do you respond to that kind of love and truth?  Hopefully with arms wide open.  Because there’s no room in that list for “yeah, buts.”  

There is absolutely nothing that can prevent God from loving you. Fully. His love is big enough to cover your doubts, your sin, and your past hurts.  You are invited to embrace every ounce of the unconditional love that He has for you. 
– Sandi