When You Feel Like Giving Up, God Doesn’t

When You Feel Like Giving Up, God Doesn’t

When you feel like giving up, God doesn’t.

“Elijah was afraid and ran for his life…He said, ‘I have had enough, Lord.” 1 Kings 19:3-4

Elijah was such a faithful, powerful force for the Kingdom. But he wasn’t immune from physical and emotional exhaustion. He reached the end of his rope. What did God do? He met him there. Fed him. Allowed him to rest. Whispered to His heart. And invited him back to the life and work God had for him. 

Elijah ran away, but still cried out to God. He stayed close enough to hear God’s whisper.

If you’ve had enough, cry out to the One who understands and can tend to your heart while you rest and heal. He never gives up. He isn’t finished with you. – Sandi