When We Give, We Look Like Our Father.

When We Give, We Look Like Our Father.

 I’ve heard it said that there are two kinds of people:  givers and takers.  I don’t know if its that simple or not.  But Jesus modeled what it looked like to be a giver…even giving His life for us. 

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts. 20:35

Let’s face it.  It is easier to take than to give.  One puts something in our hand.  The other takes something out of our control.  The later requires faith…that it is ok to let go.  That God will honor and use your offering.  That He will also meet your needs.  

I think that is why we are blessed when we give…because it is faith in action.  We are trusting God more than we are clinging to the gift.  What is God calling you to give?  How does He want to grow you into becoming a giver?  When we give, we look like our Father.  – Sandi