When God Says, “No,” His Plan Is Better

When God Says, “No,” His Plan Is Better

 When God says, “no,” He always has something better. If you’ve been pleading with the Lord and He’s not been answering in the way or the timing that you want, He has a promise for you.

“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me,
‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-9.

God’s promise is that His grace and power are enough to see you through. He is with you through the hard times. When you’re weak, His power steps in. When you fail, His grace catches you. 

Whatever you’re facing today, you’re not alone. If God allows you to walk through a really tough season, you can trust His heart and His purposes. He’s working in you. His power is on display through you. His grace is enough for you. – Sandi