What's On Your Mind?

What's On Your Mind?

 It was quite humbling to be called out by my Christian counselor for allowing lies to grow in my mind and heart to the point that I believed them to be true.  Not everything that rattles around in our brains or settles into our hearts is rooted in truth.  That’s why we need God’s Word as the plumb.

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  Romans 12:2

We can love God and still have “stinking thinking.” The subtle lies of the enemy and the world seep into our thoughts.  And over time, we’re convinced of things that aren’t true and don’t align with God’s Word.  We will begin to live and love differently when our thoughts and hearts are renewed.  God, make us new.  Make us more like you!  – Sandi