What If….God Is Faithful?

What If….God Is Faithful?

 The “what if” game.  Do you ever play it? It is where every possible negative “what if” scenario runs through your mind and you always end up feeling anxious and discouraged.  I play it often.  And it always feels like I “lose.”  

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

That’s a game-changer!  God is for us.  Always.

If the “what if” monster is inviting you to play along today, remember this verse.  Who, or what, can stand against God’s love, protection, and authority in your life?  What enemy has ever prevailed over God almighty?  

What if, God is faithful? In your life? Including today?  He is. And any other scheme or enemy will not prevail. Because God is for you.