What A Hurting Heart Needs To Know

What A Hurting Heart Needs To Know

 When I don’t get the answer to prayers that I desperately want or need, I can start to think of God as unkind or unconcerned. I need this reminder of His character. Perhaps you do as well.

“Filled, with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand…” Mark 1:41

Over and over throughout scripture, God and Jesus are described as being full of compassion. They are perfect in every way, including their capacity to love and feel compassion. When you pray, a loving, responsive Father hears. When you cry, He cries with and for you. He is close to the brokenhearted. Because He wants to be near you when you are hurting. 

So, what do you do when your heart is hurting, and your prayers seem to be unanswered? You remind your hurt of the compassionate healer. You ask Him to comfort your soul. And you wait.

Hurt and hope can both reside in your heart today. He understands both. Your compassionate Father is close. – Sandi