Trust & Surrender

Trust & Surrender

When did your faith become your own? I’ve seen in my life and my kids lives. The wrestle and discovery of making your faith your OWN. Your first introduction to Jesus may have been through your parents or your spouse. But there comes a point where God invites YOU into a personal relationship. “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and Jacob….. I will be with you.” Exodus 3:6,12 Moses is a hero of our faith. But the first recorded conversation between God and Moses is this passage. And what God said to Moses, He says to us as well. It is true that He was Abraham’s God, your parents God or your spouses God. But that’s not enough. He wants to be YOUR God. Your Father. And as such, He promises to always be with you. How do you make your faith in God personal? Call out to Him. Trust Him and surrender your life to Him. You’ll be part of a ripple effect that will change your life and your eternity! – Sandi