This Joy’s For You!

This Joy’s For You!

 Does it ever feel like your joy has evaporated? Disappeared? Is on hiatus? This is for you:

“God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord is my strength and my song…With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” Isaiah 12:2-3 

I was going through a “joyless” dry season recently and God loving reminded me that I was not going to the well often enough. 

Can you relate? You’re busy. You tend to the urgent. You settle for spiritual scraps instead of soaking in His presence. The result? I know it full well:  you feel dry and empty. Joyless. Exhausted.

God is reminding us that He is our source. He’s our salvation and strength. We were made to be vessels that He pours into daily. Refreshed. Encouraged. By the Holy Spirit. Then we have something to offer to a world that is so thirsty for love.

Take some time to draw from the well of your salvation today. Soak in His Word and presence. Be filled with joy. – Sandi