The Longest Night Of Your Life…God Is There With You

The Longest Night Of Your Life…God Is There With You

The longest night of your life.  Does one immediately come to mind?  Perhaps you’re in the middle of one right now…it is darker than you want.  Lasting longer than you thought. And you don’t know why God is allowing you to go through it.

“My God sent His angel, and He shut the mouths of the lions.” Daniel 6:22

We know the outcome of that story, but Daniel didn’t know while he was enduring it. It had to feel like the longest night of his life.  Surrounded. No way out. All night long. That’s what he saw in the moment.  What he realized the next morning was that God was with him and protected him.

That same God is with you today and will be with you during your longest nights.  It may seem dark and like there’s no way out.  But He will be your strength and peace.  He is with you. And He is faithful. Still.  – Sandi