The Devil Is A Liar

The Devil Is A Liar

 How can you tell the difference between a truth and a lie? Look at the one who is speaking.

“When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies… But He who belongs to God hears what God says.”  John 8:44

As believers, we often hear two voices: the lies of the enemy and the truth of our Father.  Honestly, sometimes I struggle with discerning one from the other. Because the father of lies often distorts the truth and is persistent in His tactics. But knowing God’s Word leads to hearing His voice. 

If you’re struggling to know God’s will or way for your life, spend time in His Word. Ask Him to reveal Truth to you. He is not a God of confusion. He desires for you to know Him and the Truth. – Sandi