The Battle Is The Lord’s

The Battle Is The Lord’s

 The problem is too big. The anxiety is too great. And you feel overwhelmed. What do you do? Remind the giant that you’re facing (and yourself) of God’s power and presence.

“You come against me with sword, spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty…the battle is the Lord’s……”1 Samuel 17:45,47

David isn’t the only one who encounters giant problems. And He isn’t the only one with God on his side.

David knew the size of the giant. But he also knew the power and faithfulness of His God. 

You may be in a battle, but it is not up to you, alone, to win. God is with you. He is battling for you. And He is undefeated. The battle is the Lord’s. You are in good hands. – Sandi