Thank God He Isn’t Fair

Thank God He Isn’t Fair

 “That’s not fair.” I may not say it out loud, but I think it often. When I have to walk through something really difficult. When God asks me to serve, or share. When He prompts me to put someone else’s needs above my own. It doesn’t feel fair.

“I will not sacrifice an offering to the Lord that costs me nothing.” 1 Chronicles 21:24

That was the posture of King David’s heart. He didn’t resist or resent an opportunity to sacrifice. He knew how much he had received from God and he was eager to share. Even as king, he was tender-hearted toward God and gave of himself.  

God may lead you to do or give something today that on the surface feels, “unfair.” It may cost you something: time, energy, money. But when you follow His lead, you are modeling the Father’s generous heart. 

We have received more mercy than we deserve. Thank God that He isn’t fair. Share His grace today. Even if it costs you something. – Sandi