Pray Anyway. It Makes A Difference.

Pray Anyway. It Makes A Difference.

 What do others see in your life that points to Jesus? It is sobering to realize that before someone hears what we say, they watch how we live. Especially how we navigate through the tough stuff of life.  Remember the story of Paul and Silas who were beaten and thrown in jail?  They responded by praying and singing hymns.  

“…The other prisoners were listening to them. The earth shook, prison doors flew open and everybody’s chains came loose…..The jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:25-26

Your solid, joyful faith in the middle of the storm speaks volumes to those around you.  Your consistent walk with Christ isn’t for show.  But it is on display.  And God just may use you today, right in the middle of your darkest times, to point someone to Jesus.  So, keep praying, singing and believing.  Because someone’s watching and listening.  – Sandi