My Heart Needs You, God!

My Heart Needs You, God!

  “I don’t remember the last time I prayed.”  Have you ever had that realization?  I have. I don’t intentionally “ignore” God. But the busyness seems to win and my time with God tends to shrink. I don’t like to admit it, but it happens. 

“He did not know that the Lord had left him.” Judges 16:20

Gulp.  That verse gets me every time I read it. I know it is about Samson, who started relying on His own strength more than God’s. And I know that God will never leave us.  But I see myself in the struggle.

I tend to drift. I can get caught up in the busy. And I tend to rely on myself more than Him. I can hold on to my plans more than His.

I need the reminder.  Maybe you do too. Without His power, I have nothing to offer. And I am easily overwhelmed. With Him, all things are possible.  May we take a step closer to Him today. We need Him. – Sandi