Lavish Love

Lavish Love

I’ll never forget the day that our son Miguel’s adoption was made legal in our state. We stood before the judge when he said, “Do you promise to love this child and give him the same standing and treatment as your 2 biological children?” We said yes, the judge gave Miguel a stuffed animal and we walked with another child in our family. We gave Him our name and our love, forever. “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1 God offers to adopt each and every one of us. He invites us into His family….not as a servant or even distant cousin. He claims us as His children…..forever. For eternity. That is a lavish love. If He’s your father, thank Him. If he’s not, then why not respond to this lavish love and join the family? – Sandi
