Just Be

Just Be

I’m a “fixer.” I like to fix things….problems….yours, mine….I need to feel like I’m fixing things. You know what? That can create more problems! If you are a “fixer” or a “doer” then this is for you too: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15 That is such a simple verse but it is such a challenge for me…..to just join people where they are and not try to fix anything. One of the greatest gifts we can give is joining in someone’s pain or joy. Just being present with them. And another great gift we can give is the invitation for someone else to join us in our pain or joy. So are you ready to stop trying to fix and just BE? I am. I want to sit in whatever you’re sitting in…..with you. God can take care of the rest. And He will. -Sandi