Jesus Is Gentle. And His Peace Is Real. 

Jesus Is Gentle. And His Peace Is Real. 

You can trust Jesus. He is gentle with your brokenness and understands the heaviness that you carry. This invitation is rooted in His kindness:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your soul.” Matthew 11:28-29

When you are overwhelmed and anxious, you have choices. Isolate. Self-medicate. Turn to the voices competing for your attention. Or you can respond to the gentle invitation of the Lover of your soul. The source of the rest and peace that you desperately need. 

You can trust Jesus with it all. He stands ready to carry you. With gentleness, peace, and rest. What an invitation. What a loving Savior. – Sandi