Is The Battle Too Heavy? 

Is The Battle Too Heavy? 

 You weren’t made to face the battle alone. God wired you for relationships…with Him and with others.

“As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but when he lowered his hands, the enemy was winning…Aaron and Hur held his hands up…so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” 

The battle was long and difficult. Tiring. And required more strength than Moses could muster on his own. But God provided. Two faithful friends who stood with Moses, holding his hands up when he was not strong enough on his own. And the victory came. 

If you recognize that the battle is too much for you. You’re not alone. So, don’t try to fight it alone. Reach out. Trust who God has placed around you. Let them carry you. It just may be God’s design for victory. – Sandi