I Surrender All

I Surrender All

What does God want from you? Everything.  That may sound a bit jarring until you realize that He desires the same from you that He’s given of Himself…everything.  

“In view of God’s mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- which is your spiritual act of worship.”  Romans 12:1

Jesus gave His life.  We’re called to give Him our lives.  It seems like a pretty big ask until you think of the price He paid.  He was without sin and He suffered for ours.  He was misunderstood, beaten and killed simply because He loves us.  What a reminder, especially when we’re asked to surrender all of our lives to Him.  We’re following His lead.  And we’re getting so much more than we’re giving up.  God, we want to live for you today.  – Sandi