I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry

I don’t like to say, “I’m sorry.” It requires humility and an acknowledgment of doing wrong. But here’s the thing. I have never regretted saying, “I’m sorry”…………especially to God. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 Saying, “I’m sorry” is really difficult. But so is hanging on to lingering sin and shame. And so was hanging on the cross……for the sins that I hang on to. What is God bringing to mind that needs to go? What would it look like to be free from it? In light of all He’s done and all that He’s offering, the least we can do is confess. He already knows anyway. He simply wants our humility and repentant heart. You’ll never regret saying, “I’m sorry” to Him! – Sandi