His Compassions Never Fail. Never.

His Compassions Never Fail. Never.

If your heart is doubting. If you’ve been waiting “too long.” If your faith is hanging on by a thread, this reminder is for you.

“…His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness…The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24

God sees you. His heart is full of compassion for your pain and the difficult season that you’re in. He is always faithful. In the waiting. When you can’t see a way through. When the pain is crippling.

He will not fail you. You will see His compassion in action and His faithfulness on display. In His time. In His way.

So, wait with hope. He will be your strength and comfort and ever-present help. Joy comes in the morning. Great is His faithfulness. – Sandi