He Is Findable. Even In The Dark.

He Is Findable. Even In The Dark.

 Has God ever gotten your attention while you’ve been sleeping? More times than I can count, He wakes me up, reminds me of a song or scripture, or urges me to pray. God is always tending to your soul.

“I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” Psalm 63:6-8

The imagery is powerful. The darkness of night presents itself, but He is still findable. He comforts us and protects us with His wings. He keeps us close. There’s no place we would rather be…than in the palm of His hand.

God has been tending to you all through the night. And He is reminding you that whatever you face today, you do so in His hand. He is your help. Day and night. – Sandi