He Is Closer Than You Think

He Is Closer Than You Think

 What if Jesus is closer than you think? What if he is working but you simply don’t recognize it…yet?

“Mary stood outside of the tomb crying…She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.”
John 20: 11,14

Mary was closer to a miracle than she knew. Jesus was closer than she realized. And perhaps the same is true for you. God has promised to never leave or forsake us. So when we’re crying or facing what seems like an unimaginable loss, He is there. We may not recognize Him, yet. But He is close and He has already overcome. When did Mary realize Jesus was with her? When He said her name. Stay close to Jesus. Close enough to hear him whisper. It will remind you of what you may not be able to see yet…He is with you. – Sandi