He Cares For You. And He Wants To Carry You

He Cares For You. And He Wants To Carry You

 In my life, every time anxiety visits, it brings along a good friend. Shame. It whispers things like, “You’re not a very good Christian if you’re still wrestling with anxiety” or “You will never be free from anxiety or fear.” 

“Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

What is God’s response to your anxious thoughts and fearful feelings? Compassion. And an invitation to share your concerns with Him. He doesn’t shun or shame you. He cares for you and wants to carry the burdens that are weighing you down.

What does it look like to “cast all your anxiety on Him?” The key may be in the verse before. “Humble yourselves…under God’s mighty hand, that He may life you up in due time.” 1 Peter 5:6

Realize you weren’t made to carry this load alone. Surrender to God’s way. Acknowledge His authority and compassion. Trust His heart and His timing. 

Easier said than done. But worth the doing. God sees your anxious heart today. He cares for you. And He wants to carry you. – Sandi