Guard Your Heart…It Steers Your Life

Guard Your Heart…It Steers Your Life

It is the most important influencer in your life. It sets the tone and direction for every moment that you live. It is easily swayed. And it is easily broken.

What is it?

Your heart. 

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”  Proverbs 14:23

Guard your heart. What does that mean? And why is it important?

Protect what…and who…has access to your emotions and affections. Because your heart leads your life. 

How is your heart? Is it well protected from influences that distract you from God’s best?  Is it being poured into and refreshed?

Above all else…protect and guard your heart. What goes in matters. You will follow the lead of your heart. Lead your heart well! – Sandi

