God’s Heart For You

God’s Heart For You

 God is always looking for the one.  The one who doesn’t know Him.  The one who is broken hearted.  The one who is feeling alone or forgotten.  And God goes to extremes to reach the one who needs Him most.

Remember the story of Jonah?  His story doesn’t begin with him getting swallowed by a big fish…..it begins with a God who loves to reach the needy ones.  God’s heart was broken because an entire city needed His love and attention.  So, He sent Jonah to reach them.

“Ninevah has more than 120,000 people who can’t tell their right hand from the left….Should I not be concerned?” Jonah 4:11

This story is about YOU.  God loves you and would do anything to reach you.  Then once He does, He wants to use YOU to reach others just like YOU.  That’s who He is.  That’s what He does.  So, are you in need of Hope?  He’s got you.  And if He’s already got you, He’s asking you to have a heart of concern for others just like you…..or maybe nothing like you.  Be willing to share the ONE with someone today.  – Sandi