God Will Restore You

God Will Restore You

 Life isn’t fair. It seems like it should be, but sometimes life experiences prove otherwise. This broken world is full of injustice, pain and “should haves.”  But for those who love God, this broken, unfair world doesn’t get the last say.

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…then you will know that I am the Lord your God, and that there is no other.” Joel 2:25-27

God promises to make all things right. I don’t know how or when He will “repay” but He get the last word. Brokenness will be restored. No more tears. No more death. He is just and kind. And He promises to repay. That may not lessen the sting in your life today. But I pray that it strengthens your faith and hope in the God who keeps His promises. –Sandi