God Wants To Be Found By You

God Wants To Be Found By You

 Hide and seek is fun…unless you’re playing it with God.  Sometimes I hide from Him.  And sometimes I feel like He’s hiding from me.  

“I will be found by you,” declares the Lord.  Jeremiah 29:14

God doesn’t play hide and seek. He makes Himself available. He is “findable.”  And the beauty is, He is already where you are. 

I go through times, still, where my emotions tell me that God is distant or silent.  But when I spend time in His Word, I find Him. When I pray, even when words are elusive, I find Him.  And you will too.  Because He promises to be found. 

If you’re hiding from God, take a step toward Him. If you feel like He’s hiding from you, remind your emotions of the truth. He loves you. He wants to be found by you. – Sandi