Getting “Love” Right

Getting “Love” Right

 Of all the four-letter words…..I think this one is the most misunderstood:   LOVE.  As much as we talk and sing about it, we should have it down by now.  But we don’t.  

“A new commandment I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, you must love one another….All people will know that you are my followers if you love one another.”  John 13: 34

Why is it so important that we get “love” right?  Because there’s a lot at stake.  God’s love for us and our response to it has eternal implications.  And our love for others is how this world knows that God’s love is real. It is their first taste of Jesus.  May we embrace God’s LOVE fully.  And may we share God’s LOVE extravagantly.  – Sandi