Focus on Him

Focus on Him

How do you see yourself? We all know that it isn’t good to think too highly of yourself. But we don’t hear much about the opposite. Do you know that it is also not honoring to God to think too little of yourself? “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” Numbers 13: 33 Here’s the context. God said go into the land. The spies went to scope it out. They saw giants. But they also saw themselves as small. Which led them to suggest they not go into the land. I can relate! I second guess God because I don’t feel worthy. I know He’s big. But I focus on how small I am, and it can squeeze the faith right out of me. Here’s some encouragement from one grasshopper to another: God is not limited by your limitations. Let’s focus more on Him than us and we’ll see a more accurate picture. It will take faith. But He is faithful! – Sandi