Faith Under Fire

Faith Under Fire

  Bad things happen to good people. And to Godly people. Why would God allow something unfair and hurtful into your life? What do you do if you’re in that situation today?

“If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it…but even He doesn’t…we will not worship your gods…
Daniel 3:17

God is the same God whether you’re facing the flames, in the fire or on the other side without a hint of smoke on you. His power and His compassion never faulter or fail. So, you can trust Him. Even if you can’t see a way out. Even if He responds in an unexpected way. Even if you never understand the “why.”

God can and will use everything that you are facing, for His good purposes and plans. To reveal Himself. To bring peace and comfort. To strengthen your faith. Cling to Him, even if. – Sandi