Dump Trucks, Teaspoons & Forgiveness

Dump Trucks, Teaspoons & Forgiveness

  What do dump trucks and teaspoons have in common?  Forgiveness.  In my mind, I picture God using a dump truck of grace as He forgives all of my sin, my bad choices, and attitudes.  Then what do I do?  I use a teaspoon to dish out forgiveness to others.  

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32

The “just as” part gets me every time.  God is so gracious and consistent with forgiving me.  I want the same heart.  And I want to use the same measuring cup to forgive as I receive from God.  May kindness, compassion, and forgiveness be overflowing in our lives today…by the dump truck.   – Sandi  
